Inevitably, London got bombed. Now we know a little of what it feels like in Baghdad, Kabul, Gaza etc. The banalities of the headline "n people killed by terrorist attack" suddenly has meaning again. It is shocking to the soul. I can't imagine how to measure the pain and horror that sweeps in waves from the point of explosion through the victims, to those who witness, who have to clear up, to those who grieve, then to us a little farther away, not directly affected, but part of the global tribe of Londoners. Our shock is entirely vicarious but it feels real. I take those trains, buses, walk those streets. And even though in the history of our city, in the context of all the human experience stored up there, this is but a stubbed toe, it just the same makes you think "could have been me, my family, friends".
My son, Alfie, was bawling for me not to leave this morning. Not to get the train to Liverpool Street. I decided to get a later train. To stay and comfort him awhile. Knowing that the BBC could spare 20 minutes for me to give my boy a cuddle and play cars. If not for that delay, I would have been there at the time; not on that train, that line, but close enough to feel the reverberations through the station. It's a sharp poke in the chest. Don't take any of this for granted. Don't part from those you love on a cross word. The next chance to say "I love you" can be snatched away in an thoughtless instant. Always remember to ask yourself "Did *you* give the world some love today?"
I'm glad you missed it, I went through Liverpool St an hour before it happened, having had a long day representing the Beeb at a careers event the day before I'd thought about having a lay in and arriving late, I'm so glad I didn't as I'd also have been traveling through at the time the bombs struck. I spent the day trying to calm friends and family who couldn't reach me and to track fellow team members who were stuck through out London, luckily all were OK. My thoughts and love are with those who've suffered and are suffering following those attacks.
Posted by: Kat | July 08, 2005 at 21:32
"Did *you* give the world some love today?"
Cool soundtrack to piece... seek!
Posted by: eddie | August 01, 2005 at 22:46
Nice post. The big motive rething many things in life.
Posted by: eq2 gold | January 23, 2006 at 22:32